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Ripple (XRP) Price Chart (XRP/JPY)

+2.21 %
24 Hour High 24 Hour Low Market Capitalization
338.24 JPY
321.42 JPY
19,100,081,600,258.40 JPY
*The reference price is calculated using the mid-price at the current point in time. The actual execution price may differ.
*bitFlyer commenced handling on December 2, 2019 at 8:00 AM. The prices displayed on the chart from before handling commenced are reference information.

Virtual currency / JPY charts

What is Ripple (XRP)?

Ripple (XRP) is a cryptocurrency that uses RippleNet, an international remittance solution for financial institutions created by Ripple, a technology company. The issuance cap is set to 100 billion XRP, all of which has been issued. Therefore, it does not have a traditional mining system for issuing coins like Bitcoin. RippleNet is based on Interledger Protocol (ILP), a technology that makes it possible to connect multiple blockchains and payment networks, and is focused on on-demand liquidity (ODL, formerly xRapid). For example, one could make an international remittance by converting JPY to XRP, immediately send it to its destination on the unique XRP Ledger blockchain, then convert the XRP to the currency of the destination country. To put it simply, XRP acts as a bridge between different currencies. It is said that banks and payment service providers participating in RippleNet can make international remittances in about 3.6 seconds with a transaction fee of about $0.001 USD. It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is said to be able to process 1,500 transactions per second. The unique consensus algorithm, XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol (XRP LCP), contributes to these high-speed transfers. In XRP LCP, there is a validator that authorizes transactions. If it is deemed valid, it is considered to have achieved consensus. It can achieve high-speed processing because it does not require complicated calculations like mining.
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Ripple (XRP) FAQ

  • Q:
    What is the smallest amount of Ripple (XRP) I can buy?
    You can buy Ripple (XRP) with as little as 1 JPY. The minimum order size for Ripple (XRP) on Buy/Sell is 0.000001 XRP.
  • Q:
    How much is the Ripple (XRP) trading fee?
    There is no trading fee for Ripple (XRP) on Buy/Sell, but there is a spread. More information can be found here.
  • Q:
    How much is the withdrawal fee for Ripple (XRP)?
    The Ripple (XRP) withdrawal fee is Free. More information can be found here.
  • Q:
    When can I trade Ripple (XRP)?
    Ripple (XRP) can be traded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including weekends and holidays (excludes maintenance times).
  • Q:
    Can I use bitFlyer on my smartphone?
    bitFlyer Wallet supports everything from account creation to trading. You can download it for free from the App Store and Google Play.
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