Fees and Taxes

Account Creation Fee

Account Creation and Maintenance FeeFREE

JPY Deposit and Withdrawal Fees

JPY Deposit Fees

Bank Transfer FeesAmount for Each Bank

Quick deposit fee (Through SBI Sumishin Net Bank)


Quick deposit fee (Other than SBI Sumishin Net Bank)

330 JPY (tax included) per deposit

JPY Withdrawal Fees

For customers of Mitsui Sumitomo Bank

Withdrawals less than 30,000 JPY 220 JPY (tax included)
Withdrawals of at least 30,000 JPY 440 JPY (tax included)

For customers of banks other than Mitsui Sumitomo Bank

Withdrawals less than 30,000 JPY 550 JPY (tax included)
Withdrawals of at least 30,000 JPY 770 JPY (tax included)

Trading Fee

Market Trading Fee


* Customers are responsible for the spread (the difference between the buy price and the sell price).

Exchange Fee

BitcoinExecution amount x 0.01 ~ 0.15% (Base unit: BTC)

bitFlyer Lightning Fee

Lightning Spot

Execution amount x 0.01% ~ 0.15%
(Unit varies by Crypto Assets)

Details of Exchange and Lightning Spot Exchange Fee

* The trading fees are updated daily between 12:00 AM and 12:10 AM (JST).
* Trade volumes subject to this calculation include Buy/Sell Bitcoin, the Bitcoin Exchange, Lightning Spot, and bitFlyer Crypto CFD.

Past 30 day volumeExchange / Lightning Spot
Less than 100,000 JPY0.15%
100,000 - Less than 200,000 JPY0.14%
200,000 - Less than 500,000 JPY0.13%
500,000 - Less than 1 million JPY0.12%
1 million - Less than 2 million JPY0.11%
2 million - Less than 5 million JPY0.10%
5 million - Less than 10 million JPY0.09%
10 million - Less than 20 million JPY0.07%
20 million - Less than 50 million JPY0.05%
50 million - Less than 100 million JPY0.03%
100 million - Less than 500 million JPY0.02%
At least 500 million JPY

* Fees may be negotiated based on volume and trade frequency.

bitFlyer Crypto CFD Exchange Fee

bitFlyer Crypto CFD Exchange Fee


(We will announce any changes 2 weeks in advance.)

bitFlyer Crypto CFD Leverage points

*Leverage point payments occur each time a rollover is conducted and the positions that were not offset by an opposing order by 6:00 pm (JST) within the same business day of bitFlyer are extended to 6:00 pm (JST) of the next business day.

Buy position

The total of (the absolute value of open positions x 0.04% per day), (Base unit: JPY)
The value of open positions is obtained by multiplying the total volume of open positions the customer holds by the last traded price of bitFlyer Crypto CFD at the time the open positions mature.

Sell position

bitFlyer Crypto CFD Margins

Margin rate (for individual accounts)

50% (2x Leverage) to 100% (1x Leverage)
* The max leverage for corporate accounts is adjusted based on the assumed crypto asset risk ratio announced on a weekly basis by Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association. As long as the "max" leverage option is selected, the leverage will be automatically updated every week. Please click here for more information.
* For margin calculation, please see
About bitFlyer Crypto CFD. For additional details, please see bitFlyer Crypto CFD User Guide.

bitFlyer Crypto CFD Funding Rate

The "Funding Rate" is defined as the mechanism by which money is transferred based on the amount calculated from the divergence between the bitFlyer Crypto CFD trading price and the Lightning spot trading price. This transfer is conducted in accordance with the customer's held position size, at the designated times every eight hours. If the bitFlyer Crypto CFD trading price exceeds the spot trading price of the crypto asset it references, funds are collected from the long position holders and granted to the short position holders. In the reverse scenario, funds are collected from the short position holders and granted to the long position holders.

An overview of the way the transfer amount is calculated based on the funding rate can be found below.

Calculation method of the funding rate transfer ratio

Calculation of the minute-by-minute divergence rate (see below). The funding rate transfer ratio is then calculated as the simple average of the minute-by-minute divergence rate over the most recent 8-hour period at the following times on each business day.

- (1) 06:00, (2) 14:00, and (3) 22:00 (3 times per business day in total in JST)

The funding rate transfer ratio includes the following factors, which shall also be taken into account.
(See "Additional information on the funding rate transfer ratio" below.)

- The upper limit of the funding rate transfer ratio
- The interval where the funding rate transfer ratio is constant as the minimum transfer ratio

Calculation method of the funding rate transfer amount

Funding rate transfer amount = A x B x C

- A: Funding rate transfer ratio
- B: The volume of open positions held by the customer at the time of payment/collection of the funding rate transfer amount
- C: The last Spot trading price of the crypto asset at the time of calculation

Find additional information on the funding rate transfer ratio below.

Definition of the minute-by-minute divergence rate

Bid/ask price (either the Impact Bid Price or Impact Ask Price, whichever is closer to the Most Recent Spot Trading Price) ÷ Most Recent Spot Trading Price - 100%

If the Most Recent Spot Trading Price is between the Impact Bid Price and Impact Ask Price, the Minute-by-Minute Divergence Rate is set to zero.

Definition of impact ask price

The expected volume-weighted average executed price of a transaction on bitFlyer Crypto CFD, assuming the purchase of exactly 1 BTC-CFD, based on the order situation on bitFlyer Crypto CFD at the time when the minute-by-minute divergence rate is calculated.

Definition of impact bid price

The expected volume-weighted average executed price of a transaction on bitFlyer Crypto CFD, assuming the sale of exactly 1 BTC-CFD, based on the order situation on bitFlyer Crypto CFD at the time when the minute-by-minute divergence rate is calculated.

Upper limit of the funding rate transfer ratio

Upper limit of the simple average funding rate transfer ratio: 0.375% (±0.375% absolute value)

*The upper limit is subject to change by bitFlyer in consideration of market trends

Fixed interval of the funding rate transfer ratio

When the average divergence is in the range of -0.040% to +0.060%, the funding rate transfer ratio is always fixed at 0.010% as minimum transfer ratio.

*The funding rate is always collected from long position holders and granted to short position holders.

The relationship between the funding rate transfer ratio and price divergence (average divergence rate) is as shown below.

Unit of Each Crypto Asset Transaction and Minimum Order Size


0.00000001 BTC (=1 satoshi)
* The minimum order size is 0.001 BTC for the Bitcoin Exchange, Lightning Spot (BTC/JPY) and bitFlyer Crypto CFD. For the Bitcoin Market, the minimum order size is 0.00000001 BTC.

Ether (Ethereum)

0.00000001 ETH
* The minimum order size is 0.01 ETH for the Lightning Spot and 0.00000001 ETH for the Ether (Ethereum) Market.

Ether (Ethereum Classic)

0.00000001 ETC
* The minimum order size is the same


0.00000001 LTC
* The minimum order size is the same

Bitcoin Cash

0.00000001 BCH
* The minimum order size is 0.01 BCH for the Lightning Spot and 0.00000001 BCH for the Bitcoin Cash Market.


0.00000001 MONA
* The minimum order size is 0.1 MONA for the Lightning Spot and 0.00000001 MONA for the Monacoin Market.


0.00000001 LSK
*Minimum order size 0.001 LSK

Ripple (XRP)

0.000001 XRP
* The minimum order size is 0.1 XRP for the Lightning Spot and 0.00000001 XRP for the Ripple (XRP) Market.

Basic Attention Token

0.00000001 BAT
* The minimum order size is the same

Stellar Lumens

0.0000001 XLM
* The minimum order size is 0.1 XLM for the Lightning Spot and 0.0000001 XLM for the Stellar Lumens Market.


0.000001 XEM
* The minimum order size is the same


0.000001 XTZ
* The minimum order size is the same


0.00000001 DOT
* The minimum order size is the same


0.00000001 LINK
* The minimum order size is the same


0.000001 XYM
* The minimum order size is the same


0.00000001 MATIC
* The minimum order size is the same


0.00000001 MKR
* The minimum order size is the same


0.0001 ZPG
* The minimum order size is the same


0.000001 FLR
* The minimum order size is the same

Shiba Inu

1,000 SHIB
*Minimum order size is same

Palette Token

0.00000001 PLT
*Minimum order size is same

The Sandbox

0.00000001 SAND
*Minimum order size is same

Axie Infinity

0.00000001 AXS

*Minimum order size is 0.0001 AXS


0.00000001 MANA

*Minimum order size 0.01 MANA


0.00000001 IMX

*Minimum order size is 0.001 IMX


0.00000001 APE

*Minimum order size is 0.001 APE


0.00000001 CHZ

*Minimum order size is 0.01 CHZ


0.00000001 DAI

*Minimum order size is 0.001 DAI

Render Token

0.00000001 RNDR

*Minimum order size: 0.001 RNDR

The Graph

0.00000001 GRT

*Minimum order size: 0.01 GRT


0.00000001 AVAX

*Minimum order size: 0.0001 AVAX


0.00000001 DOGE

*Minimum order size: 0.01 DOGE

ELF Token

0.00000001 ELF

*Minimum order size: 0.01 ELF

Zipangcoin Platinum

0.000001 ZPGPT

*Minimum order size: 0.0001 ZPGPT

Zipangcoin Silver

0.000001 ZPGAG

*Minimum order size: 0.001 ZPGAG

Mask Network

0.00000001 MASK

*Minimum order size: 0.001 MASK

Polygon Ecosystem Token

0.00000001 POL

* Minimum order size is 0.01 POL


0.00000001 PEPE

* Minimum order size is 640 PEPE

※ If the minimum purchase unit is entered as the order quantity, and the amount obtained by multiplying the corresponding sale price by the sale quantity is less than 1 JPY, the quantity must be changed to a quantity that is at least 1 JPY.

Transaction Fee for Each Crypto Asset and Minimum Withdrawal Size


0.0004 BTC
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 BTC, Excludes bitWire

Ether (Ethereum)

0.005 ETH
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 ETH

Ether (Ethereum Classic)

0.005 ETC
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 ETC


0.001 LTC
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 LTC

Bitcoin Cash

0.0002 BCH
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 BCH


* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 MONA


9.7 LSK
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.06 LSK

Ripple (XRP)

* Minimum withdrawal size is 20 XRP

Basic Attention Token

* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 BAT

Stellar Lumens

* Minimum withdrawal size is 2 XLM


* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.001 XEM


0.1 XTZ
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.1 XTZ


0.1 DOT
* Minimum withdrawal size is 1 DOT


* Minimum withdrawal size is 1 LINK


* Minimum withdrawal size is 10 XYM


* Minimum withdrawal size is 20 MATIC


0.02 MKR
* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.01 MKR


* Minimum withdrawal size is 1 FLR

Shiba Inu

320,000 SHIB
*Minimum withdrawal size is 500,000 SHIB

Palette Token

40 PLT
*Minimum withdrawal size is 100 PLT

The Sandbox

*Minimum withdrawal size is 15 SAND

ELF Token

*Minimum withdrawal size is 8 ELF

Render Token

2.2 RNDR
*Minimum withdrawal size is 0.01 RNDR

Polygon Ecosystem Token

26.0 POL

* Minimum withdrawal size is 0.17 POL


964,000 PEPE

* Minimum withdrawal size is 6,400 PEPE

※ Deposits and withdrawals of the following crypto assets are currently not available: ZPG, MANA, AXS, IMX, APE, CHZ, DAI, GRT, AVAX, DOGE, MASK, ZPGAG, ZPGPT. RNDR is available for withdrawals only. Deposits are not accepted.


bitWire Fee


Information on domestic tax treatment for crypto assets

For more information on tax treatments for Japanese domestic crypto asset transactions, please consult your local tax office or qualified tax advisor for further information.

The Japanese tax authorities' current stance on crypto assets are summarized below. However, this may change at any time. bitFlyer is not responsible for any tax declarations, tax burdens, or damages incurred by customers or third parties.

Capital gains received by individual customers from trading Over-the-counter derivatives of crypto assets are generally subject to taxation as miscellaneous income. However, the tax treatment may shift to business income tax depending on the amount of capital gains and compliance with the requirements for maintaining transaction-related accounting records and documents.
Purchasing goods and services in crypto assets are subject to consumption tax. The displayed prices of goods and services on our website include consumption tax.