Takafumi Komiyama


Mr. Komiyama was raised in Tokyo and graduated from the School of Science and Engineering at Waseda University. He worked for Konami, Sony Entertainment, and Goldman Sachs Japan and served as CTO of Time Intermedia Inc. before he co-founded bitFlyer in 2014. His favorite game category is Vertical Shoot ‘Em Ups. His favorite language is Haskell.

There were once 100 prisoners, who one day were told the following: "Go into the next room one by one and each turn over 50 of the 100 cards placed there, which have the numbers from 1 to 100 written on them. If you turn over the card that has the same number as yourself, you succeed. Each time a new player enters the room, the 100 cards are turned back, but their placement remains the same. If all 100 players succeed without a single failure, you will all be released”. What strategy would increase the chances of the prisoners' release?