ETH/BTC trading pair is now available on bitFlyer USA!
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This campaign has ended.

To celebrate the launch of ETH/BTC on bitFlyer Lightning, we are also running a “Zero Fees” campaign!


Campaign Summary

Trading fees for the ETH/BTC pair on bitFlyer Lightning will be waived during the campaign period.  


Campaign Period

The campaign will start on Thursday, September 1st 2022 and will end on Wednesday, November 30th 2022 UTC.  


Important Notes

• No entry is required for this campaign, zero fees are automatically applied to all customers during the campaign period.

• Fees are normally incurred based on the execution amount. These fees will not be incurred during the campaign period.

• This campaign only applies to trades on Lightning Spot (ETH/BTC).

• Crypto asset executions incur trading fees. More information on our fees can be found here.

• Identity verification procedures must be completed before trading crypto assets on our services.

• There is a possibility that we may not be able to grant your account creation request due to the results of our ID verification process. The ID verification process may take some time to complete, so please allot a sufficient amount of time. Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for information on how we handle personal information. bitFlyer may change, suspend, cancel, or terminate some or all of the parts of this campaign without prior notice. bitFlyer is not responsible for any losses incurred due to changes, suspension, cancellation, or termination of this program.