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Introducing our new Ethereum pair on bitFlyer Lightning!

Today, we are launching our new pair on Lightning: ETH/BTC  


Access to a new Market

We are pleased to announce a new addition in our cross-border offering which gives traders access to the unique liquidity of the Japanese market. Effective September 1st 2022, individual and institutional traders in the U.S. will now be able to trade on bitFlyer's ETH/BTC market, which until now, have only been available to bitFlyer Japan customers. We are very excited to finally bring this product offering to our valued customers.  


What is bitFlyer Lightning? - Check out our Lightning platform.  


Our first crypto to crypto pair - and not the last!

The launch of our first cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency pair on our trading platform opens new possibilities and opportunities to our users and we are excited to see how this new feature will be used by all of you.  


To celebrate this launch, we are also running a “zero fees” campaign on this newly added pair. You can find some details about it here.



If you are ready to start trading ETH/BTC:

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