bitFlyer | Bitcoin Marketplace
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確定申告の時期が到来しましたが、皆様ご準備はできていますか?2023 年分の確定申告の相談及び申告書の受付は、2024 年 2 月 16 日から 2024 年 3 月 15 日までです。

暗号資産の損益は取引所単位で算出することが困難なケースが多く、お客様ご自身で計算をして必要に応じて確定申告をしていただく必要があります。 しかし、計算方法が複雑であったり、様々な種類の取引が存在するため、自分自身で計算することは容易ではありません。



■ キャンペーン期間

2024 年 2 月 14 日(水)午後 8 時 00 分 ~ 2024 年 3 月 15 日(金)午後 11 時 59 分(日本時間)


■ プレゼント内容

暗号資産の損益計算サービス「クリプタクト」の有料プランを 10% オフでご利用いただける特別クーポンをプレゼントいたします。




・有効期限:2024 年 2 月 14 日(水)午後 8 時 00 分 ~ 2024 年 3 月 15 日(金)午後 11 時 59 分(日本時間)


■ ご利用条件





■ ご注意事項




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Disclaimer (Please read carefully):
  • Crypto assets are not a legal tender.
  • Crypto assets may be used to settle a payment only in the event that the person receiving the payment agrees.
  • Buying/selling crypto assets or exchanging them for other crypto assets are transactions which may result in losses incurred from price fluctuations of crypto assets. It is possible that the price of crypto assets declines due to influences from changes in balance of supply and demand, trends on prices of goods, currencies and other markets, as well as changes in situation related to crypto assets.
  • Trading with over-the-counter crypto asset derivatives may cause losses, because their trading price may fluctuate in either way due to influence from changes in balance of supply and demand of over-the-counter crypto asset derivatives on our platform as well as indirect influence from price changes of the crypto assets referred by those over-the-counter crypto asset derivatives.
  • Over-the-counter crypto asset derivative trades are trades in which the notional amount, which is the product of the trading price and the open interest volume, can be larger than the amount of the margin deposit. Therefore, the amount of loss incurred may be larger than the amount of margin deposit if the notional amount fluctuates to a greater extent than the amount of margin deposit to your disadvantage due to changes in balance of supply and demand of over-the-counter crypto asset derivatives or price fluctuations of the crypto assets referred by the derivatives.
  • The margin deposit size for over-the-counter crypto assets derivatives must be no less than 50% of the notional amount, while the notional amount must be no more than 2 times the margin deposit. (Both for individual customers.) More information can be found on our “What is bitFlyer Crypto CFD?” page.
  • When making purchases or sales of crypto assets on Buy/Sell, or exchanging them for other crypto assets, customers bear the spread. The spread is the difference between the purchase and selling prices. The fees incurred when buying or selling crypto assets, exchanging them for other crypto assets or over-the-counter crypto asset derivatives as well as the calculation methods for the corresponding fees can be found on our “Fees and Taxes” page.
  • Over-the-counter crypto asset derivatives are negotiated transactions between you and bitFlyer, Inc. which is the counterparty for you on those derivatives.
  • You should thoroughly read and understand all of our documents that require user agreement. Trade at your own risk and judgment.
bitFlyer, Inc.
  • Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau No. 00003
  • Financial Instruments Business Kanto Local Finance Bureau (FIBO) No. 3294
  • Member of Japan Virtual and Crypto asset Exchange Association, which is Certified Association for Payment Service Providers as well as Financial Instruments Firms Association