Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital assets within minutes
Getting started on bitFlyer is easy, fast and secure

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or selling and more

Buy cryptocurrencies. The way you would buy anything else.
With bitFlyer Buy/Sell, discover a new way to buy and sell virtual currencies:

Buy and sell at a predefined
price directly
from a trusted platform
Any buy or sell order
is executed instantly:
no order book, no waiting time
No fees, no surprises - you always
buy and sell at the price
shown in the interface

Lightning Exchange for professional traders
Built by Wall Street veterans, bitFlyer’s Lightning Exchange is designed for professional traders with all of the features and power you would expect from one of the world’s largest exchanges
bitFlyer is a global company,
with licensed exchanges
around the world
Execute complex trades
through the lightning interface,
or through our REST API
Your Bitcoins are treated
with care and are secured using
the latest encryption

volume in Japan
volume in 2017
little latency
Join bitFlyer
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